Part 2

Using OLEDBDataReader and OLEDBCommand

In the previous article we have seen how to connect to the database. Now let us see how to retrieve the data using DataReader.

What is a Data Reader?

Sample Program

Properties of OLEDBDataReader class

Methods of OLEDBDataReader class

SQLDataReader class

OLEDBCommand class

Properties of OLEDBCommand class

Methods of OLEDBCommand class

Executing NonQuery commands using OLEDBCommand

Invoking Oracle stored procedure using OLEDBCommand

What is a Data Reader?

Data Reader is used to provide read-only and forward-only access to the data in the database. It also maintains connection to the database throughout the lifetime of Data Reader. There are two Data Reader classes - OLEDBDataReader and SQLDataReader. OLEDBDataReader uses OLEDB .NET Data Provider and SQLDataReader uses SQL Server .NET Data Provider.

Data Reader is almost same as Recordset in ADOs. You do not get the real benefits of ADO.NET trough Data Reader. However it is a simple way of getting the required rows from data source.

Sample Program

The following program is used to get the list of cites from CITIES table of PHONES.MDB.

' import required namespaces

Imports system

Module DataReader1
    Public Sub Main()
       dim  constr as string = "provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;Data source=c:\srikanth\phones.mdb"

       dim con as New OLEDBConnection(constr)

       Dim cmd As New OLEDBCommand("select * from cities", con)

       Dim dr As OLEDBDataReader
        ' execute query and put data into data reader
        dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
        Do While dr.Read()
            console.Writeline(dr.getstring(0) & ":" & dr.getstring(1) & ":" & dr.getstring(2))
        ' close data reader first
        ' close connection
    End Sub
End Module

OLEDBDataReader class providers a forward-only access to the data source. It is more like forward-only Recordset in OLEDBs.

An object of OLEDBDataReader is returned by using ExecuteReader method of OLEDBCommand object.

In the above example first we connected to the database. Remember the database is irrelevant. Any other database will do. I am using MSAccess to simplify the process.

PHONES.MDB database has a table called CITIES, which contains information about all the cites. It has the following structure.

Field DataType Meaning
citycode Text(5)A unique code to identify city
cityname Text(50)Name of the city
stdcode Text(5)STD code of the city

The program created an object of OLEDBCommand class. OLEDBCommand class is used to execute a command. The following code is used to open connection and create command object.

       dim  constr as string = "provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;Data source=c:\srikanth\phones.mdb"

       dim con as New OLEDBConnection(constr)

       Dim cmd As New OLEDBCommand("select * from cities", con)

       Dim dr As OLEDBDataReader

The constructor of OLEDBCommand class takes command to be executed and connection object.

ExecuteReader method of OLEDBCommand class is used to execute the query and return and object of OLEDBDataReader.

    ' execute query and put data into data reader
    dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()

The following code is used to read data from data reader and display the data on the screen. Read method is used to read one record at a time. If it can read a record successfully then it returns true otherwise false.
        Do While dr.Read()
            console.Writeline(dr.getstring(0) & ":" & dr.getstring(1) & ":" & dr.getstring(2))

GetString method is used to read a string form the given index position. Index position is the position of the column and it starts from zero. When Read method returns false then the loop is terminated. Data reader and connection are closed.

        ' close data reader first
        ' close connection

Now let us understand more about the other properties and methods of OLEDBDataReader.

Properties of OLEDBDataReader class

The following are the properties of OLEDBDataReader class.

Property Meaning
FieldCount The number of fields in the record. This is a read-only property.
IsClosed Returns true if data reader is closed otherwise false. Read-only property.
Item Returns the value of the column as object. It takes the column position as the parameter. Read-only property.

The following sample program is used to display the data in the data reader. It first checks whether the data reader is opened and then reads all rows and sends the data to console.

' import required namespaces

Imports system

Module DataReader1
    Public Sub Main()
       dim  constr as string = "provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;Data source=c:\srikanth\phones.mdb"

       dim con  as New OLEDBConnection(constr)

       Dim cmd As New OLEDBCommand("select * from cities", con)

       Dim dr As OLEDBDataReader
        ' execute query and put data into data reader
        dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
        If dr.IsClosed Then
            console.WriteLine("Sorry. Data reader is closed")
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Dim i As Integer
        Do While

            For i = 0 To dr.FieldCount - 1
            ' print one extra line
            console.WriteLine(" ")
        ' close data reader first
        ' close connection
    End Sub
End Module

The above sample code uses IsClosed property to check whether data reader is currently open or closed. If it is closed then it displays an error message and exits main procedure.

While loop is repeated as long as Read method returns true. Read method is used to read one row at a time. For loop is set to repeat for each column in the record using FieldCount property. It displays the value of each column. As Item() property returns the value of the specified column as an Object, we converted that to a string using ToString() method.

However, note the above example is only to show you how to make use of some of the properties. It is better to write the code as shown in first example instead of second example.

Methods of OLEDBDataReader class

The following are the methods of OLEDBDataReader class.

Method Meaning
Close Closes the data reader.
Get<type> Returns the value of the specified column of the current record.
<type>is one of the following - Byte,Char,DateTime,Decimal,Double, Float, Int16,Int32,Int64, String , TimeSpan,UInt16, UInt32, Uint64
GetName Returns the name of the specified column
IsDBNull Returns true if the specified column is containing NULL value.
Read Reads the next available record. The default positioning is before the first record. So, we must call Read before accessing any data. Return true if it can advance to next record successfully otherwise false.

SQLDataReader Class

Similar to OLEDBDataReader, we have SQLDataReader that uses SQL Server Managed Provider.

It has the same properties and methods as OLEDBDataReader. The only difference is it is used to access SQL Server database directly.

OLEDBCommand Class

This class is used to execute an SQL command on the data source. It needs a connection to the data source and the command to be executed.

Constructors of OLEDBCommand

The following are the various constructors of this class.


Creates a new instance of the class. Takes no parameters.

New(CommandText as String)

Creates a new instance and sets the command to be executed to the given command.

New(CommandText as String, Connection as OLEDBConnection)

Creates a new instance and sets the command to be executed to the given command. Uses the connection given as the second parameter to execute the command.

Properties of OLEDBCommand class

The following are the important properties of OLEDBCommand class.

Property Meaning
Connection Represents the connection to be used to execute the command.
CommandText Contains the command to be executed.
CommandType Specifies how to interpret the command given using CommandText property.
The valid values are : CommandType.Text, CommandType.StoredProcedure and CommandType.TableDirect
CommandTimeOut The amount of time in seconds to wait before returning an error.
Parameters Contains information about parameters to be used while executing the command. This property is of OLEDBParameters type.
Transaction Returns the transaction object of type OLEDBTransaction that refers to the transaction in which the command is executed.

Methods of OLEDBCommand class

The following are the methods of OLEDBCommand class.

Method Meaning
ExecuteReader() Executes the query given in CommandText property and returns a data reader object with the data that is retrieved.
ExecuteNonQuery Executes a non query and returns the number of rows affected by the command.
ExecuteScalar() Executes the query given in CommandText and returns the first column of first row. This is very useful with queries that return a single aggregate value.
Prepare Prepares or compiles the given command. Subsequent executions of the command will be faster.

In the next few sections we will see how to use OLEDBCommand class to execute commands.

Executing nonquery commands using OLEDBCommand

The following command is used to change the email address of the person P.Srikanth to the new email address. It updates PHONES table that has the following structure.

Field DataType Meaning
citycode Text(5)City code to which person belongs
person Text(50)Name of the person
phonenoText(50)One or more phone numbers of the person. Multiple numbers are separated by comma.
emailText(20)Email address of the person

The following sample program demonstrates how we can use OLEDBCommand object to execute a non-query.

' import required namespaces

Imports system

Module OLEDBCOMExample1
    Public Sub Main()
        Dim con As New OLEDBConnection("provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=c:\srikanth\phones.mdb")

        Dim cmd As New OLEDBCommand("",con)   ' create an object that uses con connection
        cmd.CommandText = "update phones set email = '' where person = 'P.Srikanth' "
        ' execute the command given in CommandText property
        console.WriteLine("Updation Successful")

    End Sub
End Module

Invoking Oracle stored procedure using OLEDBCommand

The following sample program will show you how to execute a stored procedure of Oracle. It uses Parameters collection of OLEDBCommand object to send parameters to Oracle stored procedure. It also uses OLE DB Provider of Oracle .

Before we look at the code to invoke the procedure, let us look at the procedure itself. It is a very simple procedure to change the salary of the employee. It takes two parameters - employee number and salary.

create or replace procedure  ChangeSalary(p_empno number, p_sal number)

     update  emp
     set  sal = p_sal
     where empno = p_empno;


Now let us see how we can call this procedure from OLEDB.NET.

' import required namespaces

Imports system

Module CallProcedure
    Public Sub Main()
        Dim con As New OLEDBConnection("Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott")
        Dim cmd As New OLEDBCommand()
        cmd.Connection = con
        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
        cmd.CommandText = "changesalary"
        ' create paramters 
        Dim p1 As New OLEDBParameter("p_empno", OLEDBType.Numeric)
        Dim p2 As New OLEDBParameter("p_salary", OLEDBType.Numeric)
        ' add parameters to paramters collection
        'set values to paramters
        p1.Value = "7369"
        p2.Value = "6000"
        ' execute the procedure 
    End Sub
End Module

We first connected to Oracle database using OLE DB provider for Oracle. Then we set the required properties of OLEDBCommand object.

        cmd.connection = con
        cmd.CommandType = Commandtype.StoredProcedure
        cmd.CommandText = "changesalary"

CommandText is set to the name of the stored procedure to be executed and CommandType is set to CommandType.StoredProcedure to indicate that the command is not an SQL command but instead a stored procedure.

As the procedure expects two parameters, we created two parameters and add them to Parameters collection of OLEDBCommand. The type of both the parameters is set to OLEDBType.Numeric.

        ' create paramters 
        Dim p1 As New OLEDBParameter("p_empno", OLEDBDBType.Numeric)
        Dim p2 As New OLEDBParameter("p_salary", OLEDBDBType.Numeric)
        ' add parameters to parameters collection

Then finally we called the procedure by invoking ExecuteNonQuery method. At this point the stored procedure is called and the updation is done.

NoteSQLCommand is similar to OLEDBCommand. The only difference is; it uses SQL Server .NET Data Provider. Whatever is accomplished using OLEDBCommand that can be accomplished using SQLCommand also.

Note Please see online documentation of OLEDBParamter to get complete list of its properties and methods.

In the next article, we will discuss about DataSet. DataSet is a new addition and provides much of the power of OLEDB.NET.


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