
This portal allows prospective employees and employers to come together.

Major Operations

The following are the major operations of this portal:

Technologies and Products used

The following table lists operations and associated objects and files.

Operation Files Associated Objects
Login login.html, login.jsp User javabean
Registration of User register.html, register.jsp User javabean
Forgot password forgotpassworrd.jsp User JavaBean
Registration of new employee newemployee.html, newemployee.jsp User JavaBean
Home Page of Employees employeehome.jsp, jobslist.jsp User JavaBean
Search For Jobs search.jsp, jobslist.jsp User Bean,
Displaying details of Jobs jobdetails.jsp User Bean
Applying for jobs applyforjob.jsp User JavaBean
Home Page of Employer employerhome.jsp User JavaBean
Adding new job addjob.jsp, addjob.html User JavaBean, Job Ejb
List of jobs of an employer listjobs.jsp User JavaBean
Deleting Job deletejob.jsp JOB Ejb

The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application :

  1. Download and unzip it into webapps directory of Tomcat installation directory.
  2. Make sure you include Oracle driver classes in the classpath of Tomcat - use setClassPath.Bat file for this.
  3. Create account jj with password jj in Oracle.
  4. Create required tables in Oracle using TABLES.SQL file.
  5. Make sure Oracle and Tomcat are running.
  6. Start Weblogic Server and create the following
  7. Build the ejb in job directory of job directory.
  8. Copy job_client.jar from CLIENTCLASSES directory into LIB directory of WEB-INF of jj.
  9. Run the application using the following url:
  10. You should see login page of the application.