
This is a website that allows students of an enginering college (with a few changes it can be used any school or college) to get to know about their old classmates. Each student has to register by providing his/her details, branch and year of passing.

It allows students to know what his/her old classmates are currently doing, search for classmates, change their own password or profile, recover password etc.

Architecture Of the Project

This project uses STRUTS. So, it uses MVC (Model View Controller) architecture.

It uses tiles and validation frameworks of Struts.

It uses DAO (Data Access Objects) design pattern to access database. It uses a filter (Intercepting Filter design pattern) to ensure only authenticated users access secured pages.

Products used in this project

Steps to download and deploy this project

  1. Download oldclassmates.zip. This file contains the entire source code. However, it doesn't contain any .jar files related to Struts, Java mail and Oracle. You have to add these libraries to this project. Use libraries node in NetBeans to do it.
  2. Create oldcm account with password oldcm in Oracle10g Express Edition. This must be done after you log in as SYSTEM user.
    create user oldcm identified by oldcm;
    grant connect,resource to oldcm;   
  3. Create required tables in oldcm account by using commands in tables.sql file (you find it in /WEB-INF folder).
  4. Create an account in CMail Server and configure Outlook express to add a mail account for this user
  5. Start NetBeans 5.5. Open the project from oldclassmates folder.
  6. Run this project - you must see login.jsp page.