Survey User Module With JSF 2.0

In the currently running Java EE(Web) batch, I have developed a web application for admin module of survey application to demonstrate how to approach and develop a web application using Java EE.

Please visit SurveyAdmin page to get details about it and also to download it.

Admin module was developed using JSF 1.2 and Tomcat with Oracle database.

User Module

As I got some time on this Saturday, I sat down to complete the user module of Survey application. I wanted to use JSF 2.0 so that AJAX is built-in and i don't have to write code for Ajax.

Here is the user module, which allows user to select topic and take survey.

I used JSF 2.0 to use the following new features of JSF 2.0:

User module uses the same database as SurveyAdmin application. So get all details regarding database etc. from SurveyAdmin application download.

But I have used GlassFish 3.0 as the server as Tomcat doesn't support Java EE 6.0 as of now.

Click here to download the application and follow the steps given below to open and run it:

  1. Unzip survey.rar into a folder in your system. For example, c:\survey
  2. Start NetBeans 6.8. Open the project from c:\survey folder.
  3. Go to properties of the project using popup menu. Select libraries node and delete existing libraries using Remove button. Then add - Oracle - ojdbc14.jar. You have to add these .jar files to the project using Add Jar/Folder button.
  4. Add JSF 2.0 libraries using Add Library option
  5. Build project once to ensure everything is fine.
  6. Deploy project to GlassFish
  7. Run index.xhtml

Here is the screen snapshot of survey.xhtml.