This website allows users to post reviews regarding books. Any user can search for books, see the reviews posted by others, but must log in to post review. If a user is trying to post a review
without logging in, user is redirected to login page to login first and then taken to add review page.
Only a few operations need user authentication. The rest of the pages can be accessed by any user.
The following are the topics of ASP.NET used in this project.
- Asp.Net 4.0
- C# Language
- SQL Server 2005/2008 Express Edition
- Visual Studio.NET 2010
- Layered Architecture with Presentation Layer (PL) and Data Access Layer (DAL)
- DAL uses LINQ to talk to SQL Server
- All database operations are done through LINQ To SQL
- ObjectDataSource is used in presentation layer to talk to DAL.
- DataList, FormView, ListView and GridView are used to display details
- CMailServer is used for mailing
- Master page and theme with stylesheet
The following are the major operations in this application.
- User Registration
- Login
- Password Recovery
- Change password
- Home Page - Lists available subject
- List of books based on a subject
- List of most popular books based on ratings given by users
- Add Review
- Search books based on title
- Display books along with all reviews and ratings
- Logout
Steps to download, deploy and run this project
The following are the steps to be taken to run the existing part of the application.
- Download booksreviews.rar and unzip it into any directory in your system.
For example, if you extract to c:\ then it will create a directory c:\booksreviews.
- Open Visual Studio.NET 2010
- Open the project from the directory into which you extracted project. For example, c:\booksreviews
- Database (Database.dbf) is placed in App_Data and it contains required tables and stored procedures
- Go to Solution Explorer and make default.aspx the startup page.
- Run project from Visual Studio.NET 2010.
- You should see Default.aspx page.
- Create new user using registration page and then login with that user name and password
- Search for books and post review.
- Test the rest of the options.