Srikanth Technologies provides RSS Feed

An old student sent feedback suggesting me to provide RSS feed in my website - That suggestion sounded very good to me and I acted instantaneously to do so.

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an XML file that provides information regarding a website to others. We all know it is not possible for us to go to different websites to check what has changed since we last visited. This is where RSS comes to your rescue. It provides information regarding new articles, blogs etc. of a website. Of course RSS, which is an XML document describing new additions to a website, is provided by the website in a standard format laid down by RSS 2.0 specs.

To get a feel of how RSS looks like, click here to see the RSS feed of

I provide RSS in my website, but how do you use RSS? The answer is, you have a lot of softwares called as RSS aggregation or RSS feed readers. Use any of these softwares and register RSS urls of the websites that you want to keep track of. Then RSS Reader takes RSS from websites of your choice and display new items of all the websites.

I am using FeedReader 3.x. You can download this software from and install it in just a few minutes. Then start it and add RSS readers of websites to FeedReader to get to know what's new in those websites. That's all you have to do.

The following table shows some real-world RSS URLS taken from some of the popular websites.

Website RSS Feed URL

As you can see in the above table, the URL doesn't matter only content matters. If you see the content provided by these URLs, they all have the same common XML elements as specified by RSS 2.0.

So now, you can keep track of changes in my website without having to open website everyday or every other day. In case you find something of interest in the list of new items displayed by your RSS Feed Reader then you can click on the link to visit my website.