Auction Portal

This is an internet website that allows sellers to sell items through auction and buyers to bid for items.

Major Operations

The following are the major operations of this application.

Technologies and Products used

The following table lists operations and associated objects and files.

Operation Files Associated Objects
Login login.jsp MemberBean Java Bean
Registration of User register.html, register.jsp MemberBean javabean, Member EJB
Forgot password forgotpassword.jsp UserBean JavaBean
Changing password changepassword.jsp MemberBean javabean
Home Page home.jsp, listitems.jsp MemberBean JavaBean
Adding an item additem.jsp MemberBean JavaBean,Item Javabean
Bid for item bid.jsp, bidforitem.jsp, Item JavaBean MemberBean Bean
Displaying User's Items myitems.jsp MemberBean JavaBean
Showing bidders bidders.jsp MemberBean JavaBean
Removing an item removeitem.jsp MemberBean JavaBean, Item Javabean
Displaying user information userinfo.jsp MemberBean JavaBean
log out logout.jsp none

The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application :

  1. Download and unzip it into webapps directory of Tomcat installation directory.
  2. Make sure you copy from jdbc/lib/ ( after renaming it to classes111.jar) or jdbc/lib/classes12.jar from Oracle directory into WEB-INF/lib directory
  3. Also make sure the classpath of Tomcat is changed to include weblogic.jar using setclasspath.cmd in BIN directory of Tomcat or copy weblogic.jar into WEB-INF/lib directory
  4. Create account auction with password auction in Oracle by logging in as SYSTEM.
  5. Create required tables in Oracle using TABLES.TXT file and also insert some sample data.
  6. Make sure Oracle and Tomcat are running.
  7. Start Weblogic Server and create the following
  8. copy file from weblogic700\samples\server\src directory of the weblogic server to member directory.
  9. Build the ejb in member directory of application directory using ANT program.
  10. Copy member_client.jar from CLIENTCLASSES directory of weblogic server into WEB-INF/LIB directory of application (auction).
  11. Run the application using the following url:
  12. You should see login page (login.jsp) of the application.