EAMCET Counselling

This is a web application to computerise EAMCET counselling process.

This application is used by three different types of people.


The following are the topics to be performed by different types of users

User Type Operation
Administrator Adding Centres, Colleges, Branches and updating all three.
Cousellors Registering students, recording preferences of students, and alloting seats
Students Querying the availablity of seats

The following table lists operations and associated objects and files.

Operation Files Associated Objects
Login Form loginform.jsp EamcetBean
Login login.jsp EamcetBean , CentreBean, CentresBean
Admin Login adminlogin.html, adminlogin.jsp AdminBean
Admin Home adminhome.html  
Adding New College addcollege.html, addcollege.jsp AdminBean
Adding seats in a branch addbranch.jsp AdminBean
Updating or delete branch details updatebranch.jsp AdminBean
Home home.jsp Centres, Centre
Registration registration.jsp Centre, Student
Selecting Preferences liststudents.jsp,preferences.jsp , selectpreference.jsp Centre, Student
Logging out logout.jsp Centres, Centre
Query available seats queryavailability.jsp EamcetBean
Alloting seat allotment.jsp, allotseat.jsp, allotseatfinal.jsp EamcetBean,Centres, Centre , Allotment EJB

The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application :

  1. Download eamcet.zip and unzip it into webapps directory of Tomcat installation directory.
  2. Make sure you include Oracle driver classes in the classpath of Tomcat - use Setclasspath.Bat file for this.
  3. Create account EAMCETADMIN with password PROJECT in Oracle.
  4. Logon to EAMCETADMIN account
  5. Create required tables in Oracle using TABLES.TXT file in EAMCET directory.
  6. Logon to System account and run file EAMCET.TXT to create EAMCET account and required synonyms. This step is optional. Incase you do not want a separete account then use EAMCETADMIN with password PROJECT in place of EAMCET with password EAMCET in Java beans.
  7. Make sure Oracle and Tomcat are running.
  8. Build the ejb in Allotment directory in EAMCET directory.
  9. Create the following objects in Weblogic server using Admin console.
  10. Copy allotment_client.jar from CLIENTCLASSES directory of Weblogic into LIB directory of WEB-INF of EAMCET.
  11. Run the application using the following url:
  12. You should see login page of the application.
