
This application is developed to demonstrate how to use the following topic in Java Language. This is a simple Java SE project based on Swing components and storing object (Vector) in a file using serialization. Though this application is used in real-world to store appointments, it does serve the purpose of showing how to handle certain important things in Java.

Following the steps given below to load and run this project.

  1. Download, which contains project in NetBeans IDE.
  2. Unzip - you must get a directory - scheduler
  3. Start NetBeans IDE and select File->Open Project and select scheduler as the directory and click on Open Project Folder button
  4. Go to Project window using windows->projects
  5. Select scheduler project and build it using build project option in popup menu (right click)..
  6. Select in <default package> and select Run File option from popup menu (right click)
  7. In the beginning you do not have any data. So add some appointments using Schedule -> Add Schedule
  8. Save appointments using Disk -> Save Appointments To Disk. This serializes all appointments in Vector to disk - appointments.dat