1. Introduction To Course
- SQL - Structured Query Language
- SQL and PL/SQL
- Views, Indexes, Transactions
2. Introduction To DBMS
- True
- Composite Primary Key
- Child
- Attribute
- Primary Key
3. Installing Oracle Database 18c XE
- Cloud - Oracle Database 18c was fine-tuned to run in Cloud computing
- Pluggable Database
- HR account
4. Installing Oracle SQL Developer
- XE
- YES. And also multiple SQL Worksheets for each connection.
- localhost
- 1521
5. Select Command
1. Display employees who are working in department 60
select *
from employees
where department_id = 60
2. Display employees whose salary is more than 5000 and have commission
select *
from employees
where commission_pct is not null and salary > 5000
3. Display employees whose email starts with letter "D"
select *
from employees
where email like 'D%'
4. Display employees who are doing job as IT_PROG or SA_MAN or FI_MGR
select *
from employees
where job_id in ('IT_PROG','SA_MAN','FI_MGR')
5.Display jobs where difference between min salary and max salary is less than 5000.
select *
from jobs
where max_salary - min_salary < 5000
6.Display jobs whose job title contains letter "p" after third char
select *
from jobs
where job_title like '___%p%'
7.Display employees who are drawing salary between 10000 and 15000 and do not have commission
select *
from employees
where salary between 10000 and 15000 and commission_pct is null
8.Display employee full name (concatenate first_name and last_name), salary, job_id if salary is more than 8000 in the descending order of salary
select first_name || ' ' || last_name fullname, salary, job_id
from employees
where salary > 8000
order by salary desc
9.Display first_name, salary + commission, bonus for all employees who have commission. Calculate bonus as 30% on salary
select first_name, salary + (salary * commission_pct) total_salary, salary * 0.30 bonus
from employees
where commission_pct is not null
6. DML Commands
1.Update salary of employees by 20% for employees whose salary is less than 10000
update employees
set salary = salary * 1.20
where salary < 10000
2. Insert a row in jobs table with job_id as JAVA_PROG, job_title as Java Programmer, min_salary as 8000 and max_salary as 15000
insert into jobs values('JAVA_PROG','Java Programmer',8000,15000)
3.Update jobs table by increasing min_salary to 10000 and max_salary to 24000 for IT Programmer.
update jobs
set min_salary = 10000, max_salary = 24000
where job_id = 'IT_PROG'
4. Delete all job history details of employee 130 and later rollback them
delete from job_history where employee_id = 130;
5.Hike salary of employee 120 by 10% and change commission_pct to 0.1 only if current salary is < 8000
update employees
set salary = salary * 1.1, commission_pct = 0.1
where employee_id = 120 and salary < 8000
7. Number and Date Functions
1. Display date after adding 100 days to sysdate
select sysdate + 100
from dual
2.Display first name, salary, hire date and first Friday since hire date
select first_name, salary, hire_date, next_day(hire_date,'Fri')
from employees
3. Display first name, job_id, email and completed years of experience for all employees
select first_name, job_id, email, floor(months_between(sysdate,hire_date) / 12) exp_years
from employees
4. Display job history where employee worked as Stock Clerk for more than a year
select *
from job_history
where job_id = 'ST_CLERK' and end_date - start_date > 365
5. Display employees whose experience is more than 10 years.
select *
from employees
where months_between(sysdate,hire_date) / 12 > 10
6. Display first name, salary, ending date of training period assuming training is for 3 months from hire date, in the order of hire date.
select first_name, salary, add_months(hire_date,3) end_training
from employees
order by hire_date
7. Display salary rounded to thousands for employees whose salary is greater than 10000.
select first_name, round(salary,-3) salary
from employees
where salary > 10000
8. Display employees who joined in the last 100 days
select *
from employees
where sysdate - hire_date <= 100
8. String Functions
1.Display job titles where length is more than 10 and start with letter S
select job_title
from jobs
where length(job_title) > 10 and job_title like 'S%'
2.Display first word of job_title for all jobs
/* space is added to ensure we always find space even for job title that do no have spaces */
select substr(job_title,1,instr(job_title || ' ',' ')) first_word
from jobs
3.Display employees whose first_name or last_name contains letter S in lower or upper case
select *
from employees
where upper(first_name || last_name) like '%S%'
4.Display department names in uppercase and pad it on right with dots up to 15 chars
select rpad(department_name,15,'.')
from departments
5. Display second word onwards in job title
select substr(job_title, instr(job_title,' ') + 1)
from jobs
where job_title like '% %'
6. Display phone_number after removing all periods(.)
/* We need to give some source and target chars for translation, so 1 to 1 and . to nothing to effectively
remove all periods */
select first_name, phone_number, translate(phone_number,'1.','1') new_phone_number
from employees
9. Conversion and Miscellaneous Functions
1. Display employees who joined in year 2007
select *
from employees
where to_char(hire_date,'yyyy') = 2007
2. Display city, street address, state province from locations. If state province is null, display as 'Not Available'.
select city,street_address, nvl(state_province,'Not Available')
from locations
3. Display time of system in 24 hour format
select to_char(sysdate,'hh24:mi:ss')
from dual
4. Display number of days between current date and '09-10-2018'. Round the result.
select round(sysdate - to_date('09-10-2018','dd-mm-yyyy'))
from dual
5. Display first_name, salary, bonus – 10% if employee is eligible for commission otherwise 20%.
select first_name, salary, nvl2(commission_pct,salary * 0.10, salary * 0.20) bonus
from employees
10. Create Table
1. Create a table PAYMENTS with invoice number, admission number, pay date and amount paid.
Make admission number a foreign key referencing STUDENTS table.
Make sure amount is > 0.
create table payments
invno number(5) constraint payments_pk primary key,
admno number(5) constraint payments_admno_fk references students(admno),
paidon date,
amount number(5) constraint payments_amount_check check(amount > 0)
2. Create STUDENTS_LOG table with the following structure.
id - number – primary key,
admno - number
cmd - char(1) - must be i,u or d
exdate - date
create table students_log
id number(5) constraint students_log_pk primary key,
admno number(5),
cmd char(1) constraint students_log_cmd_check check(cmd in ('i','u','d')),
exdate date
11. Alter and Drop Table
1. Add column REMARKS to PAYMENTS table.
alter table payments add(remarks varchar2(50))
2. Add a constraint to PAYMENTS table that ensures REMARKS is at least 5 characters.
alter table payments modify
(remarks varchar2(50) constraint payments_remarks_check check (length(remarks) >= 5))
3. Drop STUDENTS_LOG table permanently.
drop table students_log purge
12. Grouping data
1. Display job_id and total salary for each job.
select job_id, sum(salary)
from employees
group by job_id
2. Display department_id and average salary of departments where total salary is greater than 20000.
select department_id, avg(salary)
from employees
group by department_id
having sum(salary) > 20000
3. Display number of employees with salary more than 8000 in each department
select department_id, count(*)
from employees
where salary > 8000
group by department_id
4. Display region and number of countries in each region in the order of count.
select region_id, count(*)
from countries
group by region_id
order by 2
5. Display job_id and number of employees who did that job in the past for more than 100 days
select job_id, count(*)
from job_history
where end_date - start_date > 100
group by job_id
13. Joining Tables
1. Display name, job title, salary of employees whose salary is greater than 10000
select first_name,job_title,salary
from employees natural join jobs
where salary > 10000
2.Display department name, average salary of employees when average salary is greater than 10000
select department_name, avg(salary)
from employees join departments using(department_id)
group by department_name
having avg(salary) > 10000
3. Display department name, city and country name for each department
select department_name, city, country_name
from departments natural join locations natural join countries
4. Display details of employees who are living in city 'Oxford'
select first_name, salary, department_id, job_id
from employees join departments using(department_id)
join locations using(location_id)
where city = 'Oxford'
5. Display first_name, job_title, start_date and end_date
select first_name, job_title, start_date, end_date
from employees join job_history jh using(employee_id)
join jobs j on (jh.job_id = j.job_id)
6. Display number of employees and average salary of employees in department 80
select count(*), avg(salary)
from employees
where department_id = 80
7. Display job_title and average number of days employees did that job in the past
select job_title, trunc(avg(end_date - start_date))
from jobs natural join job_history
group by job_title
14. Subqueries
1. Display details of employees who did a job in the past
select *
from employees
where employee_id in
(select employee_id from job_history)
2. Display name and salary of employees whose salary is more than average salary of their department
select first_name, salary
from employees outer
where salary >
(select avg(salary)
from employees
where department_id = outer.department_id)
3. Display details of departments that have no employees.
select *
from departments outer
where not exists
(select employee_id
from employees
where department_id = outer.department_id )
4. Display first_name and salary of employees whose salary is greater than the salary of employee whose id is 110
select first_name, salary
from employees
where salary >
(select salary
from employees
where employee_id = 110)
5. Display employees whose salary is less than the salary of all employees in department 100
select *
from employees
where salary <
(select min(salary)
from employees
where department_id = 100)
6. Display employees who are not working and never worked in department 80
select *
from employees
where employee_id not in
(select employee_id
from employees
where department_id = 80)
and employee_id not in
(select employee_id
from job_history
where department_id = 80)
7. Display country in which employee 120 is working.
select country_name
from countries
where country_id in
(select country_id
from locations
where location_id =
(select location_id
from departments
where department_id =
(select department_id
from employees
where employee_id = 120)
8. Change salary of employee 120 to maximum salary of department 60.
update employees
set salary =
(select max(salary)
from employees
where department_id = 60)
where employee_id = 120
1. Create EMP_DETAILS view with employee name, salary, joining month, joining year, job title and department name.
create view emp_details as
select first_name, salary, to_char(hire_date,'mm') join_month, to_char(hire_date,'yyyy') join_year,
job_title, department_name
from employees join jobs using(job_id) join departments using(department_id)
2. Create EXP_EMPLOYEES view to represent employees with experience more than 15 years
create view exp_employees as
select *
from employees
where months_between(sysdate,hire_date) > 180
3. Create IT_JOB_HISTORY to get first_name, start_date, end_date for all IT_PROG jobs done in the past
create view IT_JOB_HISTORY as
select first_name, start_date, end_date
from employees join job_history using (employee_id)
where job_history.job_id = 'IT_PROG'
4. Update EXP_EMPLOYEES view to increase salary of employees by 10 percent
update exp_employees
set salary = salary * 1.1
5. Recreate EXP_EMPLOYEES using WITH CHECK OPTION and try to update EXP_EMPLOYEES in such a way that the change will violate condition.
CREATE OR REPLACE view exp_employees as
select *
from employees
where months_between(sysdate,hire_date) > 180
with check option;
update exp_employees set hire_date = sysdate
where employee_id = 115;
6. Create a materialized view called JOB_SUMMARY with job title, total salary, number of employees and average salary in the order of job title
create materialized view job_summary
select job_title, sum(salary), count(*), avg(salary)
from jobs natural join employees
group by job_title
order by 1
16. Indexing
- Index
17. Security
- Privileges
18. Regular Expressions
1. Display list of city names that do not start with vowels
select city
from locations
where regexp_like(city,'^[^AEIOU]')
2. Display details of employees whose name ends with two or more letters in the list a, b, c, d and e
select *
from employees
where regexp_like (first_name, '[abcde]{2,}$')
3. Display details of locations where street address does not start with digits but contains a digit.
select *
from locations
where regexp_like(street_address, '^[^0-9]') and regexp_like(street_address, '[0-9]')
4. Display number of times a digit is present in column postal_code.
select postal_code, regexp_count(postal_code,'[[:digit:]]')
from locations
5. Display all digits up to first period (.) and all digits after last period (.)
select phone_number, regexp_substr(phone_number, '[0-9]+'),regexp_substr(phone_number, '[0-9]+$')
from employees
19. Introduction to PL/SQL
1. Which part of PL/SQL block is mandatory?
Execution Block
2. Which variable is used to enable server output?
3. Write a PL/SQL program to display highest salary in departments 60 and 80.
set serveroutput on
v_max_60 employees.salary%type;
v_max_80 employees.salary%type;
select max(salary) into v_max_60
from employees
where department_id = 60;
select max(salary) into v_max_80
from employees
where department_id = 80;
dbms_output.put_line('Max salary of department 60 :' || v_max_60);
dbms_output.put_line('Max salary of department 80 :' || v_max_80);
4. Display how many employees worked as Programmer and how many are currently working.
set serveroutput on
v_job_id jobs.job_id%type;
v_hist_count number(3);
v_curr_count number(3);
-- Get job id for Programmer
select job_id into v_job_id
from jobs
where job_title = 'Programmer';
-- Get history count
select count(*) into v_hist_count
from job_history
where job_id = v_job_id;
-- Get current employees count
select count(*) into v_curr_count
from employees
where job_id = v_job_id;
dbms_output.put_line('Number of employees worked as Programmer :' || v_hist_count);
dbms_output.put_line('Number of employees working as Programmer :' || v_curr_count);
20. Control Structures in PL/SQL
1. Write a PL/SQL program to hike salary of employee 111 by 10% if experience is more than 15 years otherwise 5%.
set serveroutput on
v_exp number(2);
-- Get experience in years
select trunc(months_between(sysdate,hire_date) / 12) into v_exp
from employees
where employee_id = 111;
-- Hike salary based on experience
if v_exp > 15 then
update employees set salary = salary * 1.10
where employee_id = 111;
update employees set salary = salary * 1.05
where employee_id = 111;
end if;
2. Based on the salary of employee 125, display grade as follows:
Salary < 5000 : Grade A
Salary < 10000 : Grade B
Salary >= 10000 : Grade C
set serveroutput on
v_salary employees.salary%type;
-- Get salary for employee 125
select salary into v_salary
from employees
where employee_id = 125;
-- Display grade based on salary
if v_salary < 5000 then
dbms_output.put_line('Grade A');
elsif v_salary < 10000 then
dbms_output.put_line('Grade B');
dbms_output.put_line('Grade C');
end if;
21. Looping Structures
1. Display how many employees joined in years from 2001 to 2010
set serveroutput on
v_count number(3);
for year in 2001..2010
select count(*) into v_count
from employees
where to_char(hire_date,'yyyy') = year;
dbms_output.put_line( year || ' - ' || to_char(v_count,'99'));
end loop;
2. Display how many employees are there in each range of salaries.
First range is 1 to 2000, second range is 2001 to 4000 and so on up to 26000.
set serveroutput on
v_count number(3);
v_salary number(5);
v_salary := 1;
dbms_output.put_line('Count of Employees');
while v_salary < 26000
select count(*) into v_count
from employees
where salary between v_salary and v_salary + 1999;
dbms_output.put_line(to_char(v_salary,'99999') || ' - ' || to_char(v_salary + 1999,'99999') || ' : ' || to_char(v_count,'99'));
v_salary := v_salary + 2000;
end loop;
22. Exception Handling
1. Update job of employee 150 to 'IT_DBA'. Handle all possible exceptions.
set serveroutput on
update employees
set job_id = 'IT_DBA'
where employee_id = 150;
when others then
dbms_output.put_line('Error : ' || sqlerrm);
2. Update salary of employee 120 to salary of employee 130. If employee 130 is not found then take average salary of all employees.
set serveroutput on
v_salary employees.salary%type;
select salary into v_salary
from employees
where employee_id = 130;
update employees
set salary = v_salary
where employee_id = 120;
when no_data_found then
select avg(salary) into v_salary
from employees;
update employees
set salary = v_salary
where employee_id = 120;
23. Cursor Handling
1. Display names of employees for department 60 separated by comma(,).
set serveroutput on
cursor empcur is
select first_name
from employees
where department_id = 60;
v_first boolean := true;
for emprec in empcur
if not v_first then -- print comma(,) from second name onwards
v_first := false;
end if;
end loop;
dbms_output.put_line(' ');
2. Display top 3 most highly paid employees of each department
set serveroutput on
cursor deptcur is
select department_id, department_name
from departments outer
where exists ( select department_id from employees where department_id = outer.department_id);
cursor empcur (p_dept number) is
select first_name, salary
from employees
where department_id = p_dept
order by salary desc;
for deptrec in deptcur
for emprec in empcur(deptrec.department_id)
dbms_output.put_line(' ' || rpad(emprec.first_name,15) || ' - ' || emprec.salary);
exit when empcur%rowcount = 3;
end loop;
end loop;
3. Hike salary of employees in department 30 by 20% if they have done more than 1 job in the past otherwise by 10%
set serveroutput on
cursor empcur is
select employee_id
from employees
where employees.department_id = 30;
v_count number(2);
for emprec in empcur
select count(*) into v_count
from job_history
where employee_id = emprec.employee_id;
if v_count > 1 then
update employees
set salary = salary * 1.2
where employee_id = emprec.employee_id;
update employees
set salary = salary * 1.1
where employee_id = emprec.employee_id;
end if;
end loop;
24. Program Units - Part 1
1. Create a function that returns the manager's name for the given department.
create or replace function get_manager_name(p_deptid number)
return varchar2 is
v_firstname employees.first_name%type;
select first_name into v_firstname
from employees
where employee_id =
(select manager_id
from departments
where department_id = p_deptid);
return v_firstname;
2. Create a function that returns a string that contains names of employees, separated by comma(,) for the given JOB.
create or replace function get_employees_by_job(p_jobid varchar)
return varchar2 is
cursor empcur is
select first_name
from employees
where job_id = p_jobid;
v_names varchar2(1000) := '';
for emprec in empcur
v_names := v_names || emprec.first_name || ',';
end loop;
return rtrim(v_names,','); -- send after removing comma at the end
3. Create a procedure that deletes given job if there is no dependent records, otherwise raise application error
create or replace procedure delete_job(p_jobid varchar) is
v_emp_count number(5);
v_jh_count number(5);
select count(*) into v_emp_count
from employees
where job_id = p_jobid;
select count(*) into v_jh_count
from job_history
where job_id = p_jobid;
if v_emp_count = 0 and v_jh_count = 0 then
delete from jobs
where job_id = p_jobid;
raise_application_error(-20555,'Cannot delete job when it has dependents');
end if;
25. Program Units - Part 2
1. Create a procedure that takes employee id and returns current job and most recently done job (if any) by the employee through out parameters.
create or replace procedure get_emp_jobs(p_empid number, p_cur_job out varchar2, p_prev_job out varchar2) is
p_cur_job := 'Unknown';
p_prev_job := 'Unknown';
select job_id into p_cur_job
from employees
where employee_id = p_empid;
select job_id into p_prev_job
from job_history
where employee_id = p_empid
and start_date =
(select max(start_date)
from job_history
where employee_id = p_empid);
when others then
null; -- ignore errors
/* call above procedure as follows */
v_j1 varchar2(20);
v_j2 varchar2(30);
dbms_output.put_line( v_j1 || ' ' || v_j2);
2. Create a package that has the following members related to job:
Function get_emp_count(jobid)
Function get_history_count(jobid)
Procedure change_min_salary(jobid, new_min_sal)
create or replace package jobs_pkg is
function get_emp_count(p_jobid varchar) return number;
function get_history_count(p_jobid varchar) return number;
procedure change_min_salary(p_jobid varchar,p_minsal number);
create or replace package body jobs_pkg is
function get_emp_count(p_jobid varchar) return number is
v_count number(5);
select count(*) into v_count
from employees
where job_id = p_jobid;
return v_count;
function get_history_count(p_jobid varchar) return number is
v_count number(5);
select count(*) into v_count
from job_history
where job_id = p_jobid;
return v_count;
procedure change_min_salary(p_jobid varchar,p_minsal number) is
update jobs
set min_salary = p_minsal
where job_id = p_jobid;
/* call members of package */
set serveroutput on
dbms_output.put_line( jobs_pkg.get_emp_count('IT_PROG'));
26. Database Triggers - Part 1
1. Create a trigger to ensure manager_id is not same as employee_id in EMPLOYEES table
create or replace trigger trg_manager_id_emp_id_check
before insert or update of employee_id, manager_id
on employees
for each row
if :new.employee_id = :new.manager_id then
raise_application_error(-20600,'Manager id and employee id cannot be same');
end if;
2. Create a trigger that prevents any insertion into JOB_HISTORY table for departments that do not have any employees.
create or replace trigger trg_job_history_insert_check
before insert
on job_history
for each row
v_count number(3);
-- check whether department used in insert has any employees
select count(*) into v_count
from employees
where department_id = :new.department_id;
if v_count = 0 then
raise_application_error(-20222,'Department used in insertion has no employees!');
end if;
27. Database Triggers - Part 2
1. Create a trigger that writes all changes to SALARY of EMPLOYEES table into SALARY_LOG with employee_id, old salary, new salary and date of change.
create table salary_log
( employee_id number(5),
old_salary number(5),
new_salary number(5),
changedon date
create or replace trigger trg_salary_log
before update of salary
on employees
for each row
insert into salary_log values (:new.employee_id, :old.salary, :new.salary, sysdate);
/* update salary to fire the trigger */
update employees set salary = 6000 where employee_id = 140
2. Create a trigger on view EXP_EMPLOYEES to prevent any changes to base table through view.
However log changes to EMPLOYEES_LOG. View EXP_EMPLOYEES was created earlier.
Create table EMPLOYEES_LOG with employee_id, operation (u/i/d) and date.
/* Create EMPLOYEE_LOG table */
create table employees_log
( employee_id number(5),
operation char(1),
transdate date
/* create trigger */
create or replace trigger trg_prevent_changes_to_exp_employees
instead of insert or update or delete
on exp_employees
for each row
if inserting then
insert into employees_log values(:new.employee_id,'i',sysdate);
elsif deleting then
insert into employees_log values(:old.employee_id,'d',sysdate);
insert into employees_log values(:new.employee_id,'u',sysdate);
end if;
28. Collections and Dynamic SQL
1. Create a procedure that takes table name and column name and drops that column.
create or replace procedure drop_column(table_name varchar2, column_name varchar2) is
execute immediate 'alter table ' || table_name || ' drop column ' || column_name;
/* Calling drop_column procedure */
2. Create a function that returns list of values separated by colon(:) for the given table name and column name.
create or replace function get_column_values(table_name varchar2, column_name varchar2)
return varchar2 is
type values_cursor_type is ref cursor; -- define weak ref cursor
values_cursor values_cursor_type; -- declare cursor variable
v_value varchar2(100);
v_values varchar2(1000) := '';
open values_cursor FOR
'select ' || column_name || ' from ' || table_name;
fetch values_cursor into v_value;
exit when values_cursor%notfound; -- exit at the end
v_values := v_values || v_value || ':'; -- concatenate value with colon(:)
end loop;
close values_cursor;
return rtrim(v_values,':'); -- remove last :
/* calling function */
dbms_output.put_line( get_column_values('jobs','job_title'));